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Tag Archives: ruby on rails
Saturday MP Show #9: Add 1.9 (e.g. almost 2) System Tests for the Standard Ruby Linter ToDo Bug
I get one system test working for generating the todo file and almost get the second test working. The second test that actually tests the bug we fixed. Went down a bit of rabbit hole trying to get the optimal … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Saturday MP Show, Software Development
Tagged ai, jetbrains, ruby on rails, RubyMine, saturdaymp show, standard ruby
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Saturday MP Show #8: Another Failure at Adding System Test for the Standard Ruby Linter ToDo Bug Fix
Similar to the previous episode I fail at adding a system test. Should I be live coding all these failures? I think so. Maybe? Do they make boring videos? Probably. Should I say “ummm” less? Most definitely. I think there … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Saturday MP Show, Software Development
Tagged ruby on rails, RubyMine, saturdaymp show, standard ruby
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A Ruby-Type Talk featuring Sorbet
Last Saturday at the Edmonton Ruby Meetup (YEGRB) I discussed type checking, Sorbet, and integrating Sorbet into an existing Rails application. Feedback and questions are most welcome. Thanks you to YEGRB for hosting and for everyone that participated in the … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Presentations
Tagged ruby on rails, RubyMine, Sorbet, yegrb
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Today I Learned how to Secure the Delayed Job Page with Spree Users
A client has an online store that is powered by an older version of Spree. I’m in the process of upgrading it and adding features to it at the same time. It’s a slow process as upgrading to newer versions … Continue reading
Posted in Today I Learned
Tagged delayed jobs, devise, ruby on rails, security, spree, Today I Learned
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Generate a Todo List in Standard (Rubocop)
The older I get the more I appreciate code linters. Something that can detect and often correct my formatting errors? Great! One less thing I have to worry about. Then I can spend my time on more important tasks such … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Software Development
Tagged rubocop, ruby on rails, standard
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A Pleasant Development Environment featuring Docker and Rails
With the current virus issues I forgot to publicize that my presentation about creating pleasant development environments was posted along with an example of Dockerizing an existing Rails application. You can find the slides for the talk here. Finally you … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Presentations
Tagged corgibytes, development environment, presentation, ruby on rails, software development, yegrb
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A Rails 6 Template and Then Some
I appreciate people posting getting started examples and templates online. They are good for getting started and playing with a new technology. The problem is the templates are usually not production ready. They are also missing a bunch of the … Continue reading
Posted in Software Development
Tagged ruby on rails, software development
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Today I Learned How to Create a React-Rails App
A working example can be found here in the Saturday MP Examples GitHub. First thing you need to do is create a basic Rails app as outlined in my previous post. My setup is the same as creating Rails app: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS host … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Software Development, Today I Learned
Tagged react, ruby on rails
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Today I Learned how to Generate a ERD for Rails Application
Back in the day Rails apps didn’t add foreign keys to database tables. Believe it or not this was a feature not a bug. The idea was that you shouldn’t “repeat” the relationship between you models in the code and … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Software Development, Today I Learned
Tagged Docker, erd, Rails-ERD, ruby on rails
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Today I Learned how to Create Rails Docker Container Without Ruby Installed
I was curious to see if I could create a Docker container for a new Rails project without having Ruby or Rails installed on the host machine. To do this I created a new Ubuntu 18 virtual machine with the … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Software Development, Today I Learned
Tagged Docker, ruby on rails, RubyMine, Today I Learned, Ubuntu
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