A Rails 6 Template and Then Some

I appreciate people posting getting started examples and templates online. They are good for getting started and playing with a new technology. The problem is the templates are usually not production ready. They are also missing a bunch of the developer tools and best practices, such as linters and automated builds, that every project will eventually need.

Screen shot of Rails Template GitHub page.

So I created a Rails 6 template that includes many of the tools I want on a Rails project. I wanted the template to be easy to use but also contain all the tools I wanted. This includes a Docker container, a linter, a type checker, and a build scripts. Actually the template has two build scripts, one for GitHub Actions and one for GitLab CI. The Docker script will build both development and production images.

Finally the template is deployed with production settings to the new Render hosting. You can see it here.

Let me know what you think, suggest improvements, or report a bug by opening an issue. Pull requests are also accepted.

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