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Tag Archives: standard
Saturday MP Show #4: Duplicating the Standard (Ruby Linter) Existing ToDo List Bug
I duplicate a todo file generation bug in the Standard (Ruby linter) and come up with a possible fix but don’t actually get to the fix. Read about the bug here. See episode #1 where I create a Docker development … Continue reading
Posted in Saturday MP Show
Tagged ruby, saturdaymp show, standard
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Saturday MP Show #1: Creating a Docker Development Environment for Standard (Ruby Linter)
Chris creates a Docker environment for Standard which is a Ruby linter. Thank you to Test Double for creating Standard. If you have any questions you would like answered or constructive feedback please send an email to ask@saturdaymp.com. You can … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Saturday MP Show
Tagged Docker, ruby, saturdaymp show, standard
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Generate a Todo List in Standard (Rubocop)
The older I get the more I appreciate code linters. Something that can detect and often correct my formatting errors? Great! One less thing I have to worry about. Then I can spend my time on more important tasks such … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Software Development
Tagged rubocop, ruby on rails, standard
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