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Tag Archives: render
SaturdayMP Show 34: Upgrade Website from Rails 6 1 to 7 0 Part 6 (Merging & Wrap Up)
In this episode I wrap-up the Rails 7.0 upgrade by merging the changes from removing Webpack and show how the GitLab and Render CI/CD pipelines. The episodes ends well but starts with me finding a Bootstrap Gem and Dart Sass … Continue reading
Posted in Saturday MP Show, Software Development
Tagged devops, gitlab, render, ruby on rails, saturdaymp show
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SaturdayMP Show #23: Adding Basic Auth to NGINX Passenger Docker (Part 3)
In this stunning conclusion to the 3 part series I finally get HTTP Basic Authentication working. Including merging my changes into the main branch in GitLab and making sure it works in staging and production in Render. The video is … Continue reading
Posted in Saturday MP Show, Security, Software Development
Tagged Docker, gitlab, http basic auth, nginx, passenger, render, ruby on rails, saturdaympshow
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