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Tag Archives: passenger
SaturdayMP Show #23: Adding Basic Auth to NGINX Passenger Docker (Part 3)
In this stunning conclusion to the 3 part series I finally get HTTP Basic Authentication working. Including merging my changes into the main branch in GitLab and making sure it works in staging and production in Render. The video is … Continue reading
Posted in Saturday MP Show, Security, Software Development
Tagged Docker, gitlab, http basic auth, nginx, passenger, render, ruby on rails, saturdaympshow
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SaturdayMP Show #22: Adding Basic Auth to NGINX Passenger Docker (Part 2)
In this episode I get the Basic Authentication NGINX configuration working using the envsubst tool to replace environment variables in the config file. Ran out of time to test the fix in actual staging. That will hopefully be done in … Continue reading
Posted in Code Examples, Saturday MP Show, Software Development
Tagged Docker, http basic auth, nginx, passenger, ruby on rails, saturdaymp show
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SaturdayMP Show #21: Adding Basic Auth to NGINX Passenger Docker (Part 1)
In this episode I explain and then start to add HTTP Basic Authentication to the Saturday MP website which is a Ruby on Rails application hosted on a Passenger Docker image. As usual I ran into some trouble and at … Continue reading
Posted in Saturday MP Show, Software Development
Tagged Docker, http basic auth, nginx, passenger, ruby on rails, saturdaymp show
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