Saturday Mo-rning’s Mo

I’m taking part in Movember again this year. Why, you ask? Why not, I say. I get to grow a moustache, help change the face of men’s health, and annoy my wife with my awesome facial hair. That’s why. Well actually, there is another reason. I’m getting close to the mandatory prostate exam age and, well I think my “official” Movember reason says it best:

“I hope the Movember money is used to build a diagnostic tool that doesn’t involve sticking things where the sun doesn’t shine. Like a Star Trek Tricorder.”

Then I can hopefully avoid the below situation:

You can support me by donating here:

Or you can support my client FAS’s team:

Remember, I’m the coolest part of the team, so why even bother with those bozos? How else can I convince you to donate? Well, I think Penny Arcade says it best:

Penny-Arcade Remember, Remember

How can you help change the face of men’s health without changing your own face?

P.S. – Don’t forget to Donate:

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