Saturday MP Show #4: Duplicating the Standard (Ruby Linter) Existing ToDo List Bug

I duplicate a todo file generation bug in the Standard (Ruby linter) and come up with a possible fix but don’t actually get to the fix.

Read about the bug here.

See episode #1 where I create a Docker development environment for Standard:

As a bonus at the beginning of the video I upgrade RubyMine to fix the bug we encountered in episode 2:

Thanks to Test Double for creating Standard! I use it whenever I can.

Have question you want answered in a future video or constructive feedback? Send an email to

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Saturday MP Show #3: Filling out the JetBrains Developer Ecosystem Survey 2023

I, Chris, spend a lot longer then I anticipated filling out the JetBrains Developer Ecosystem Survey 2023. Thought it would be a quick half-hour but turned into 2 hours. Sorry in advance for the long video.

If you use the link below to take the survey I might win a prize:

Have question you want answered in a future video or constructive feedback? Send an email to

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Saturday MP Show 2: Struggling to get the RubyMine Debugger Working

Chris fights to get the debugger working in RubyMine and does not make any progress on Standard. It was frustrating but overall Chris enjoys working with RubyMine so thank you JetBrains for creating it.

If you have any questions you would like answered in a future show or have constructive feedback please DM me or send an email to

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Saturday MP Show #1: Creating a Docker Development Environment for Standard (Ruby Linter)

Chris creates a Docker environment for Standard which is a Ruby linter. Thank you to Test Double for creating Standard.

If you have any questions you would like answered or constructive feedback please send an email to

You can find my fork of the Standard repo here. Ideally all the files in the video would be in the repo but since we ignored the Docker files at a local level, they are listed below.

# Dockerfile
FROM ruby:3.2.2-alpine3.18

RUN apk update && \
    apk upgrade && \
    apk add --no-cache git build-base
# docker-compose.yml
    build: .
    entrypoint: /app/
      - .:/app
      - bundle-volume:/usr/local/bundle
      - "1234:1234"
    working_dir: /app

set -e

bundle check || bundle install && bundle clean --force

exec "$@"
# .git/info/exclude
# File patterns to ignore; see `git help ignore` for more information.
# Lines that start with '#' are comments.



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Today I Learned about Gobuster

I’ve made it a goal for 2023 to increase my security knowledge. This was based on increase in security related questions from clients. Specifically related to website security as most of my current work is maintaining websites for clients.

One thing I was not expecting was the amount security tools that are available. To help me remember I figured I should write them down and what better place then the dusty old blog.

The tool I learned about today is Gobuster. It is a tool that lets you brute force directories and files on a website. At least that is all I’ve used it for so far but it can also be used to guess DNS subdomains, vhosts, etc.

Gobuster needs a wordlist which is a file of paths to try. If you are using Kali Linux you can find several at /usr/share/wordlists. If you aren’t using Kali, or need additional wordlists try the danielmiessler/SecLists.

An example of running Gobuster on a Hack the Box website. The goal was to find the “hidden” login.php file so I could login to the website using credentials acquired via a open FTP directory.

I think Gobuster will be a useful tool to make sure a client is not exposing files they don’t mean too. For example, an incorrectly configured Apache/Nginx server. Or maybe the client accidently added an file they shouldn’t have to Git and now it shows up on their website.

P.S. – I searched for songs about finding things but that wasn’t very fruitful so changed the search to secrets and found the one below. It has good advice about not caring about if others know your secrets but that only applies if you are human. Websites should keep their secrets secret.

I don’t care if the world knows what my secrets are
Secrets are
I don’t care if the world knows what my secrets are
Secrets are

So, what?
So, what?
So, what?
So, what?

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Rate Limiting Using Nginx and Fail2Ban – BSides Edmonton 2022

I’m honored to be presenting at BSides Edmonton on November 25, 2022. I’ll be demoing rate limiting using nginx and Fail2Ban. You can find the demo here in-case you want to follow along during the demo or you want a preview/spoiler.

BSides Edmonton 2022 Logo

While I’m honored to be presenting, my hope is to learn more than I impart. I’m looking forward to chatting and learning from you, my fellow BSides Edmonton 2022 speakers and attendees. I enjoy discussing securing small to medium sized business, legacy code, software development best practices, games, or anything remotely technology or software related.

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Back and Forth #7: Secure React Page

Birm shows Chris how to secure a React page so only authorized users can view it. Have a question or a topic you would like us to talk about then give a us a shout.

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Back and Forth #6: Add Google Authentication to React App Using Firebase

Birm shows Chris add how to add Google Authentication to a React App using Firebase. Have a question or a topic you would like us to talk about then give a us a shout.

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Back and Forth #5: Add a Button to a React App

Birm and Chris add a button to a React application. Have a question or a topic you would like us to talk about then give a us a shout.

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Back and Forth #4: Hosting a React App on Firebase

Birm shows Chris how to host a React App as a static website on Firebase. Have a question or a topic you would like us to talk about then give a us a shout.

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