XPlugins.iOS.BEMCheckBox 1.4.3 Released

I’m happy to announce the release of XPlugins.iOS.BEMCheckBox 1.4.3.  The main feature of this release is exposing the DidTapCheckBox event in the underlying BEMCheckBox.  You can find a full list of issues fixed in this release here.

The easiest way to get this update is via NuGet:

Install-Package SaturdayMP.XPlugins.iOS.BEMCheckBox -Version 1.4.3 
dotnet add package SaturdayMP.XPlugins.iOS.BEMCheckBox --version 1.4.3 

Subscribe to the DidTapCheckBox event as you would any other C# event:

checkbox.DidTapCheckBox += DidTapCheckBoxEvent;

The event handler looks like:

// Fired before the checkbox animation completes but after the internal
// checkbox settings are updated with the new check/unchecked status (i.e.
// On property is updated).
private void DidTapCheckBoxEvent(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
  Console.WriteLine("In BeforeCheckBoxClickedEvent which is DidTapCheckBox in BEMCheckBox.");

Remember XPlugins.iOS.BEMCheckBox is just an Xamarin wrapper for objective-c BEMCheckBox.  For all the features of the checkbox checkout the BEMCheckBox website.

Thanks, as always, to Boris-Em for creating the excellent BEMCheckBox.

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