Exhilaration and Hesitation

EXHILARATION – That feeling you get just after a great idea hits you and just before you realize what’s wrong with it.

That pretty much sums up the feeling I had when Chris told me he was thinking of starting up Saturday Morning Productions.  As you may know, it was something we talked about in jest for, like, ever, but never seriously.  Part of me – the fiscally conservative part – was worried, but the other part of me – the wifey part – knew that if Chris was telling this to me outloud, he’d already made up his mind.  It made me sick to my stomach to think of the possible struggles and financial hardships of getting a business off the ground.  I badgered Chris into writing a business plan.  That was for my own personal comfort, as we would be the sole venture capitalist.  With the benefit of foresight, I now have to admit, Chris has made some sound decisions, and the going has been smooth for the most part.  The bottom hasn’t dropped out yet.  And there are perks for us to look forward to, that we wouldn’t get with a punch-the-clock job.

A few years ago I had the pleasure of meeting an immigrant to our country who first worked at a spa, then became owner in it.  Now that it’s established, she and her family are able to get away in the winter, keep the spa running and her business is making money for her.  That sure beats a punch-the-clock job.  But, the sigh comes when we think we are not quite there yet.

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