Category Archives: Today I Learned

Today I Learned How to Create a Xamarin iOS Binding for Objective-C Libraries – Part 4 The Actual Binding

This is the 4th and final part about incorporating an objective-c library in Xamarin.  In my case I’m binding BEMCheckBox.  In part 3 we used Sharpie to create a C# interface for the BEMCheckBox.  In this post we will show … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How to Create a Xamarin iOS Binding for Objective-C Libraries – Part 3 Using Sharpie to Create Binding Interface

This is the 3rd part about using the BEMCheckBox, an Objective-C library, in Xamarin.  Part 1 described how to compile the BEMCheckBox library using Xcode.  Part 2 showed how to combine the multiple libraries we compiled from Part 1 into … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How to Create a Xamarin iOS Binding for Objective-C Libraries – Part 2 Combining Libraries

This is part 2 of creating a iOS Binding for the Objective-C Library BEMCheckBox.  In part 1 we compiled the Xcode project into two separate libraries.  One for iphones (ARM architecture) and one for iOS simulators (x86/x64 architecture). In this … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How to Create a Xamarin iOS Binding for Objective-C Libraries – Part 1 Compiling the Objective-C Library

There is no checkbox for Xamarin Forms applications.  This is a problem because I wanted a checkbox in a application I’m working on.  A switch wasn’t going to cut it. After a bit of research I found that Android had native … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How to Handle Local Notifications in Xamarin on Android

In my previous example I detailed how to schedule notifications in Xamarin on Android but didn’t show the Xamarin Forms application reacting to that specific notification.  Let’s fix that. First override the OnNewIntent method in the MainActivity.  We override this method so notifications will … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How To Create Xamarin iOS and Android Unit Tests

I’m currently working on a notification plugin for Xamarin Forms and wanted to setup some unit tests.  The problem is my code accesses the device-specific notification systems in iOS and Android.  This means I can’t just run my unit tests … Continue reading

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Today I Learned How to Create a Local Notification in Xamarin Android

In Android you can schedule a notification that shows immediately using the NotificationManager.  However, if you are like me, awesome, and want to schedule a notification for a future date you need to use the Android AlarmManager.  The alarm manager lets … Continue reading

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Today I Learned Bait and Switch for .NET PCL’s

If you have worked with Xamarin for longer than me (i.e. one year) then you probably already know about PCL bait and switch technique, especially if you consumed one of the many Xamarin plugins. As usual I’m late to the … Continue reading

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Today I Learned Xamarin Push Notification Plugins

I learned this week that there is no built-in support for Push Notifications in Xamarin Forms.  On the plus side there are several open source projects trying to fill this hole.  The one that has caught my eye is edsnider/Xamarin.Plugins. … Continue reading

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