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Category Archives: Goal App
Simplify, Simplify…
The great philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said: “Simplify, simplify.” I actually didn’t know that Thoreau said that until I saw a reference to that quote in a Calvin & Hobbes comic. But that’s another story. You might be wondering … Continue reading
So Long For Now, Our Original Goal Buddy
Chris and I are late to the party, bidding our fond farewells to Stuart McLean. But it wouldn’t be right to not pay our respects to the person who motivated us through many a chore. Long before Saturday Morning Productions … Continue reading
Success at last!
Update: My last blog post was about my unsuccessful attempt at the APREP, which is the physical assessment part of the Edmonton Police Service’s hiring process. I passed on my second attempt, which was on February 13! It went so … Continue reading
Today I Learned How To Create Xamarin iOS and Android Unit Tests
I’m currently working on a notification plugin for Xamarin Forms and wanted to setup some unit tests. The problem is my code accesses the device-specific notification systems in iOS and Android. This means I can’t just run my unit tests … Continue reading
Posted in Goal App, Today I Learned
Tagged .NET, C#, notifications, xamarin, xplugins
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Making Lemonade…
On January 16th I took a flying spill when I tried to drag a huge dude-sized dummy for 50 feet. There I was, lying on the gym floor, elbows bloodied and pants torn, with an astounded audience looking just as … Continue reading
Why I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions
Wow, we are already one week into 2017. The Christmas decorations are put away, the leftovers are eaten, and I have to get used to writing the correct year. So far it’s going well, although my brain had a glitch … Continue reading
Today I Learned How to Create a Local Notification in Xamarin Android
In Android you can schedule a notification that shows immediately using the NotificationManager. However, if you are like me, awesome, and want to schedule a notification for a future date you need to use the Android AlarmManager. The alarm manager lets … Continue reading
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Riding the Dinosaur: The Joys of Old Technology
Using old technology is a bit like driving a Model T on the Indy Speedway. It can be a bit scary, but most of the time it is incredibly frustrating and everything seems to be zooming past at a mind-boggling … Continue reading
When the going gets tough, the tough have a training montage
Unforeseen circumstances. It isn’t a phrase that makes you jump for joy. Instead, it is a vaguely menacing combination of words that foretells of something throwing your plans off the rails. For me, it was a leg injury. If you … Continue reading
Math is hard.
Math. Few people tell me that they love math. It brings back memories of sitting in a small, windowless room, back in grade 11, with my math tutor. My tutor smoked cigars. Lots of cigars. He smelled like a giant … Continue reading