Today I Learned how to Copy a Putty Key From Windows to a Mac

You created a private Putty key on Windows workstation to access a remote service but now you need to access that same remote service from a Mac workstation.  In my case I need to access the same Git repository from both machines.  I created the key using the steps outlined in a previous post.

Quick aside: Before we continue you need to decide if it’s better to copy your private key or just generate a new private/public key pair on the Mac.  If the service you are connecting too does not support multiple keys then you have now choice but to copy it.  Assuming that the service does allow multiple keys then consider these security implications of copying your private key.

The first thing to do is convert the key from a Putty key to a OpenSSH key.  Do this by opening the key in PuTTYGen then choosing File –> Load private key.  Then pick the key you want to transfer to your Mac.

Load Existing Key

Select Key to Load

Key Loaded

Now convert the key to OpenSSH via the Conversions –> Export OpenSSH Key menu option.

Export SSH Key

Saving Open SSH Key

Now that the OpenSSH key is saved copy it over to your Mac.  Since this is a private key do it securely such as known LAN, USB, etc (e-mail is a bad idea).  Once the key is on your Mac copy it to the .ssh folder.

Copy Key to .ssh Folder

Then run the command to add the key.  Use the capital -K option to add the key to the Mac KeyChain so you don’t have to keep entering your passphrase.  The first password prompt is the Sudo password and the second is the passphrase for the private key.

sudo ssh-add -K <key file>

Add Key to Keychain

Now you can see that the key has been added by running the following command.

sudo ssh-add -l

Show Added Key

You can also find the key in the Mac Keychain.  In the Keychain application filter by SSH and you should see your key added.

Key in Keychain


Now your private key has been successfully copied.


P.S. – Another key blog post and another Tool song because, you know, numbers.  This one is about the Fibonacci sequence.

And following our will and wind
We may just go where no one’s been.
We’ll ride the spiral to the end
And may just go where no one’s been.

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