Today I Learned how to Secure the Delayed Job Page with Spree Users

A client has an online store that is powered by an older version of Spree. I’m in the process of upgrading it and adding features to it at the same time. It’s a slow process as upgrading to newer versions of Spree, which also requires upgrading Ruby and Rails, is no easy task.

One customization the customer has is a delayed job that fires when a order is complete. The delayed job preforms some tasks that can take a while hence why they are done in a separate process after the order is completed.

Recently there was some issues with the delayed job task that forced me look how the delayed jobs where setup and managed. I found a couple things should be fixed, such as not deleting failed jobs. Not being able to find the error message for failed job was pain.

The most serious issue I discovered was in the page to view the delayed jobs, which used the Delayed Job Web gem. Access to the page was restricted by a password (good) but was only done use HTTP basic auth (bad) and had a hard coded password from a previous developer (bad).

Reviewing the Delayed Job Web documentation I found that it does support authenticating with Devise. That was good as Spree also uses Devise for authentication. After some research, trail and error I found that the following will work only allow Spree Admin’s to access the delayed job page:

# config/routes.rb

Spree::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do
  authenticated :spree_user, -> spree_user { spree_user.admin? } do
    mount DelayedJobWeb, at: "/delayed_job"

Notice instead of using just :user we need to use :spree_user. Not if someone tries to view the delayed job page when not logged in or as an non-admin Spree user then a 404 error is returned.

Page not found error message if not logged in as Admin.

If logged in as a Spree admin then you can view the page as normal.

Delayed job page displayed if logged in as Spree admin.

I struggled to create unit tests for the above. At first I just created some RSpec route tests:

# spec/routing/delayed_job_spec.rb

require 'rails_helper'

describe 'routes for delayed jobs', type: :routing do
  routes { Spree::Core::Engine.routes }

  context 'user not logged in' do
    it 'they cannot see the route' do
      expect(:get => "/delayed_job").to_not be_routable
      expect(:post => "/delayed_job").to_not be_routable

  context 'user logged in' do
    before(:each) do

    it 'they cannot see the route' do
      expect(:get => "/delayed_job").to_not be_routable
      expect(:post => "/delayed_job").to_not be_routable

  context 'user logged in as admin' do
    before(:each) do

    it 'they can see the route' do
      expect(:get => "/delayed_job").to be_routable
      expect(:post => "/delayed_job").to be_routable

Unfortunately that failed with an error:

NoMethodError: undefined method 'authenticate?' for nil:NilClass

Turns out this is a known issue with Rails 3 and Devise as outlined here. So instead I created integration tests for the delayed job security using Cucumber.

# features/delayed_job.feature

Feature: Delayed Job

  Scenario: I can't view Delayed Job page if I'm not logged in
    When I visit the delayed job page
    Then I get a 404 error

  Scenario: I can't view Delayed Job page if I'm not an admin
    Given I am logged in as a user
    When I visit the delayed job page
    Then I get a 404 error

  Scenario: I can view Delayed Job page if I'm logged in as admin
    Given I am logged in as an administrator
    When I visit the delayed job page
    Then I can see the delayed job page
# features/step_definitions/delayed_job_steps.rb

When(/^I visit the delayed job page$/) do
  visit "/delayed_job"

Then(/^I get a 404 error$/) do
  expect(page).to have_text('Routing Error No route matches [GET] "/delayed_job"')

Then(/^I can see the delayed job page$/) do
  expect(page).to have_text('The list below shows an overview of the jobs in the delayed_job queue')

While not unit tests having integration tests is better then nothing.

As I continue to upgrade the client’s Spree store I’ll eventually replace the unsupported delayed_job gem with something that is. Perhaps Active Job or Sidekiq.

P.S. – One of the first songs that come up when I searched for songs about jobs. Never heard it before but it made me chuckle.

Take this job and shove it
I ain’t workin’ here no more
My woman done left and took all the reasons
I was working for
Ya better not try to stand in my way
As I’m walkin’, out the door
Take this job and shove it
I ain’t workin’ here no more

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